The second-generation Core processor released by Intel before eventually International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, USA. Name is the same Core i3, i5, and i7, but using the latest processor technology, previously known as Sandy Bridge. The latest Intel processor equipped with a number of the latest technology. One that stands out is the ability to display video better. A number of related technologies embedded in it is Intel Insider, Quick Sync Video, and Wireless Display 2.0. Overall there are 20 types of processors Intel Sandy Bridge is launched, the following six series chipset, Centrino WiFi and WiMAX adapters. Each processor has four cores CPU and will be integrated directly with a graphics processor. New product that will come out to the market next week is manufactured using 32-nanometer chip production technology. Intel also plans to release two versions of its Core in February with more competitive prices. With the new processor, there are already more than 500 models of laptops and desktops that will be used throughout the year 2011.
One of the many things discussed at the Intel Developer Forum 2010 in San Francisco is Sandy Bridge. What it was? Yes, Sandy Bridge is not the name of the bridge, but the code for the new processor developed by Intel as a replacement for Nehalem. Sandy Bridge is touted as an evolutionary step from the Intel Core i5 and i7 which is currently the "brains" of many computers on the market. The difference, Sandy Bridge will promote energy efficiency so that the processor is more effective at work. Another advantage is the ability to process visual data so as to produce a more detailed view. "How people use computers evolve rapidly, so we need a more powerful processor and produces a better view," said Dadi Perlmutter, general manager of the Intel Architecture Group, on Monday (13.09.2010) in San Francisco. "And the second generation to come this will be one of the greatest advances in computing capability than any previous generation." Processor which was developed in 2005 was made with a 32nm process, one of the most micro process given 1 nano meter is one billionth of a meter . He also will be equipped architecture "ring" the new graphics engine that allows her to share data with the processor core thereby increasing computational capabilities at the same time produce better graphics display. In addition, Sandy Bridge equipped Turbo Boost technology, which can automatically move or allocate core processor and graphics power to meningkatkanperformance and organize workload. According to some sources, its clock speed is 2.3 GHz up to 3.4 GHz when Turbo Boost Technology is turned off and reach 3.0 GHz to 3.8 GHz with Turbo Boost Technology.